Build Options


The following options can be added to the cmake call to control features. CMake controls options with prefixed -D, e.g. -DopenPMD_USE_MPI=OFF:

CMake Option Values Description
openPMD_USE_MPI AUTO/ON/OFF Parallel, Multi-Node I/O for clusters
openPMD_USE_HDF5 AUTO/ON/OFF HDF5 backend (.h5 files)
openPMD_USE_ADIOS1 AUTO/ON/OFF ADIOS1 backend (.bp files up to version BP3)
openPMD_USE_ADIOS2 AUTO/ON/OFF ADIOS2 backend (.bp files in BP3, BP4 or higher)
openPMD_USE_PYTHON AUTO/ON/OFF Enable Python bindings
openPMD_USE_INVASIVE_TESTS ON/OFF Enable unit tests that modify source code 1
openPMD_USE_VERIFY ON/OFF Enable internal VERIFY (assert) macro independent of build type 2
PYTHON_EXECUTABLE (first found) Path to Python executable

1 e.g. changes C++ visibility keywords, breaks MSVC

2 this includes most pre-/post-condition checks, disabling without specific cause is highly discouraged

Shared or Static

By default, we will build as a shared library and install also its headers. You can only build a static (libopenPMD.a or openPMD.lib) or a shared library ( or openPMD.dylib or openPMD.dll) at a time.

The following options switch between static and shared builds and control if dependencies are linked dynamically or statically:

CMake Option Values Description
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON/OFF Build the C++ API as shared library
HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES ON/OFF Require static HDF5 library
ADIOS_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON/OFF Require static ADIOS1 library

Note that python modules (openpmd_api.cpython.[...].so or openpmd_api.pyd) are always dynamic libraries. Therefore, if you want to build the python module and prefer static dependencies, make sure to provide all of dependencies build with position independent code (-fPIC). The same requirement is true if you want to build a shared C++ API library with static dependencies.


By default, the Release version is built. In order to build with debug symbols, pass -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to your cmake command.

Shipped Dependencies

Additionally, the following libraries are shipped internally for convenience. These might get installed in your CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX if the option is ON.

The following options allow to switch to external installs of dependencies:

CMake Option Values Installs Library Version
openPMD_USE_INTERNAL_VARIANT ON/OFF Yes MPark.Variant 1.4.0+
openPMD_USE_INTERNAL_PYBIND11 ON/OFF No pybind11 2.3.0+

Tests, Examples and Command Line Tools

By default, tests, examples and command line tools are built. In order to skip building those, pass -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF, -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF, or -DBUILD_CLI_TOOLS=OFF to your cmake command.