In the following section we explain how to contribute to this documentation.
If you are reading the HTML version on http://openPMD-api.readthedocs.io and want to improve or correct existing pages, check the “Edit on GitHub” link on the right upper corner of each document.
Alternatively, go to docs/source
in our source code and follow the directory structure of reStructuredText (.rst
) files there.
For intrusive changes, like structural changes to chapters, please open an issue to discuss them beforehand.
Build Locally
This document is build based on free open-source software, namely Sphinx, Doxygen (C++ APIs as XML) and Breathe (to include doxygen XML in Sphinx). A web-version is hosted on ReadTheDocs.
The following requirements need to be installed (once) to build our documentation successfully:
cd docs/
# doxygen is not shipped via pip, install it externally,
# from the homepage, your package manager, conda, etc.
# example:
sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz
# python tools & style theme
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt # --user
With all documentation-related software successfully installed, just run the following commands to build your docs locally. Please check your documentation build is successful and renders as you expected before opening a pull request!
# skip this if you are still in docs/
cd docs/
# render the `.rst` files and replace their macros within
# enjoy the breathe errors on things it does not understand from doxygen :)
make html
# open it, e.g. with firefox :)
firefox build/html/index.html
# now again for the pdf :)
make latexpdf
# open it, e.g. with okular