Parallel Examples

The following examples show parallel reading and writing of domain-decomposed data with MPI.

The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is an open communication standard for scientific computing. MPI is used on clusters, e.g. large-scale supercomputers, to communicate between nodes and provides parallel I/O primitives.



#include <openPMD/openPMD.hpp>

#include <mpi.h>

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

using std::cout;
using namespace openPMD;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    int mpi_size;
    int mpi_rank;

    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);

    Series series = Series(
        "../samples/git-sample/data%T.h5", Access::READ_ONLY, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Read a series in parallel with " << mpi_size << " MPI ranks\n";

    MeshRecordComponent E_x = series.iterations[100].meshes["E"]["x"];

    Offset chunk_offset = {static_cast<long unsigned int>(mpi_rank) + 1, 1, 1};
    Extent chunk_extent = {2, 2, 1};

    // If you know the datatype, use `loadChunk<double>(...)` instead.
    auto chunk_data = E_x.loadChunkVariant(chunk_offset, chunk_extent);

    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Queued the loading of a single chunk per MPI rank from "
                "disk, "
                "ready to execute\n";

    // The iteration can be closed in order to help free up resources.
    // The iteration's content will be flushed automatically.
    // An iteration once closed cannot (yet) be reopened.

    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Chunks have been read from disk\n";

    for (int i = 0; i < mpi_size; ++i)
        if (i == mpi_rank)
            cout << "Rank " << mpi_rank << " - Read chunk contains:\n";
            for (size_t row = 0; row < chunk_extent[0]; ++row)
                for (size_t col = 0; col < chunk_extent[1]; ++col)
                    cout << "\t" << '(' << row + chunk_offset[0] << '|'
                         << col + chunk_offset[1] << '|' << 1 << ")\t";
                     * For hot loops, the std::visit(...) call should be moved
                     * further up.
                        [row, col, &chunk_extent](auto &shared_ptr) {
                            cout << shared_ptr
                                        .get()[row * chunk_extent[1] + col];
                cout << std::endl;

        // this barrier is not necessary but structures the example output
    // The files in 'series' are still open until the series is closed, at which
    // time it cleanly flushes and closes all open file handles.
    // One can close the object explicitly to trigger this.
    // Alternatively, this will automatically happen once the garbage collector
    // claims (every copy of) the series object.
    // In any case, this must happen before MPI_Finalize() is called

    // openPMD::Series MUST be destructed or closed at this point

    return 0;


# IMPORTANT: include mpi4py FIRST
# on import: calls MPI_Init_thread()
# exit hook: calls MPI_Finalize()
from mpi4py import MPI
import openpmd_api as io

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # also works with any other MPI communicator
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

    series = io.Series(
    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Read a series in parallel with {} MPI ranks".format(

    E_x = series.iterations[100].meshes["E"]["x"]

    chunk_offset = [comm.rank + 1, 1, 1]
    chunk_extent = [2, 2, 1]

    chunk_data = E_x.load_chunk(chunk_offset, chunk_extent)

    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Queued the loading of a single chunk per MPI rank from disk, "
              "ready to execute")

    # The iteration can be closed in order to help free up resources.
    # The iteration's content will be flushed automatically.
    # An iteration once closed cannot (yet) be reopened.

    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Chunks have been read from disk")

    for i in range(comm.size):
        if i == comm.rank:
            print("Rank {} - Read chunk contains:".format(i))
            for row in range(chunk_extent[0]):
                for col in range(chunk_extent[1]):
                        row + chunk_offset[0],
                        col + chunk_offset[1],
                        chunk_data[row, col, 0]
                    ), end='')

        # this barrier is not necessary but structures the example output

    # The files in 'series' are still open until the series is closed, at which
    # time it cleanly flushes and closes all open file handles.
    # One can close the object explicitly to trigger this.
    # Alternatively, this will automatically happen once the garbage collector
    # claims (every copy of) the series object.
    # In any case, this must happen before MPI_Finalize() is called
    # (usually in the mpi4py exit hook).



#include <openPMD/openPMD.hpp>

#include <mpi.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector> // std::vector

using std::cout;
using namespace openPMD;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int provided;
    MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided);

    int mpi_size;
    int mpi_rank;

    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);

    // global data set to write: [MPI_Size * 10, 300]
    // each rank writes a 10x300 slice with its MPI rank as values
    auto const value = float(mpi_size);
    std::vector<float> local_data(10 * 300, value);
    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Set up a 2D array with 10x300 elements per MPI rank ("
             << mpi_size << "x) that will be written to disk\n";

    std::string subfiling_config = R"(
type = "subfiling"
ioc_selection = "every_nth_rank"
stripe_size = 33554432
stripe_count = -1

chunks = "auto"

    // open file for writing
    Series series = Series(
    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Created an empty series in parallel with " << mpi_size
             << " MPI ranks\n";

    // In parallel contexts, it's important to explicitly open iterations.
    // You can either explicitly access Series::iterations and use
    // Iteration::open() afterwards, or use `Series::writeIterations()`,
    // or in read mode `Series::readIterations()` where iterations are opened
    // automatically.
    // `Series::writeIterations()` and `Series::readIterations()` are
    // intentionally restricted APIs that ensure a workflow which also works
    // in streaming setups, e.g. an iteration cannot be opened again once
    // it has been closed.
    Mesh mymesh = series.iterations[1].meshes["mymesh"];

    // example 1D domain decomposition in first index
    Datatype datatype = determineDatatype<float>();
    Extent global_extent = {10ul * mpi_size, 300};
    Dataset dataset = Dataset(datatype, global_extent, R"(
chunks = [10, 100]

    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Prepared a Dataset of size " << dataset.extent[0] << "x"
             << dataset.extent[1] << " and Datatype " << dataset.dtype << '\n';

    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Set the global Dataset properties for the scalar field "
                "mymesh in iteration 1\n";

    // example shows a 1D domain decomposition in first index
    Offset chunk_offset = {10ul * mpi_rank, 0};
    Extent chunk_extent = {10, 300};
    mymesh.storeChunk(local_data, chunk_offset, chunk_extent);
    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Registered a single chunk per MPI rank containing its "
                "contribution, "
                "ready to write content to disk\n";

    // The iteration can be closed in order to help free up resources.
    // The iteration's content will be flushed automatically.
    // An iteration once closed cannot (yet) be reopened.

    if (0 == mpi_rank)
        cout << "Dataset content has been fully written to disk\n";

    /* The files in 'series' are still open until the object is destroyed, on
     * which it cleanly flushes and closes all open file handles.
     * When running out of scope on return, the 'Series' destructor is called.
     * Alternatively, one can call `series.close()` to the same effect as
     * calling the destructor, including the release of file handles.

    // openPMD::Series MUST be destructed or closed at this point

    return 0;


# IMPORTANT: include mpi4py FIRST
# on import: calls MPI_Init_thread()
# exit hook: calls MPI_Finalize()
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import openpmd_api as io

    import adios2
    from packaging import version
        version.parse(adios2.__version__) >= version.parse('2.9.0')
except ImportError:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # also works with any other MPI communicator
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

    # global data set to write: [MPI_Size * 10, 300]
    # each rank writes a 10x300 slice with its MPI rank as values
    local_value = comm.rank
    local_data = np.ones(10 * 300,
                         dtype=np.double).reshape(10, 300) * local_value
    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Set up a 2D array with 10x300 elements per MPI rank ({}x) "
              "that will be written to disk".format(comm.size))

    # open file for writing
    series = io.Series(
        else "../samples/5_parallel_write_py.h5",
    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Created an empty series in parallel with {} MPI ranks".format(

    # In parallel contexts, it's important to explicitly open iterations.
    # This is done automatically when using `Series.write_iterations()`,
    # or in read mode `Series.read_iterations()`.
    # `Series.write_iterations()` and `Series.read_iterations()` are
    # intentionally restricted APIs that ensure a workflow which also works
    # in streaming setups, e.g. an iteration cannot be opened again once
    # it has been closed.
    # `Series.iterations` can be directly accessed in random-access workflows.
    mymesh = series.iterations[1]. \

    # example 1D domain decomposition in first index
    global_extent = [io.Dataset.JOINED_DIMENSION, 300] \
        if USE_JOINED_DIMENSION else [comm.size * 10, 300]

    dataset = io.Dataset(local_data.dtype, global_extent)

    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Prepared a Dataset of size {} and Datatype {}".format(
              dataset.extent, dataset.dtype))

    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Set the global Dataset properties for the scalar field "
              "mymesh in iteration 1")

    # example shows a 1D domain decomposition in first index

        # explicit API
        # mymesh.store_chunk(local_data, [], [10, 300])
        mymesh[:, :] = local_data
        # or short:
        # mymesh[()] = local_data
        mymesh[comm.rank*10:(comm.rank+1)*10, :] = local_data
    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Registered a single chunk per MPI rank containing its "
              "contribution, ready to write content to disk")

    # The iteration can be closed in order to help free up resources.
    # The iteration's content will be flushed automatically.
    # An iteration once closed cannot (yet) be reopened.

    if 0 == comm.rank:
        print("Dataset content has been fully written to disk")

    # The files in 'series' are still open until the series is closed, at which
    # time it cleanly flushes and closes all open file handles.
    # One can close the object explicitly to trigger this.
    # Alternatively, this will automatically happen once the garbage collector
    # claims (every copy of) the series object.